

Kelly Lewis, owner of A Soul Aligned Life began her spiritual and alternative therapy journey many years ago and has found that spiritual insight, balance, relaxation, releasing the past, and a focus on our spiritual/energetic nature are fundamental to a happy, fulfilled, and healthy life. Complementary medicines like Reiki, energy healing, hypnosis, Emotional Freedom Technique, Spontaneous Transformation Therapy and Mindfulness can help you find the inner peace and tranquility you are craving. Further having someone to talk to, to help process the challenges and accomplishments, is very important in helping you reach your goal. 

Kelly is certified as a Shamanic Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner, is certified in multiple hypnosis techniques, a Holistic Health Practitioner, Life Coach and advanced Soul Realignment practitioner. She is also an Ordained Ministerial Counselor, with a wealth of spiritual wisdom that she uses to navigate her sessions. Kelly Lewis has also been a mental health therapist for nearly twenty years and brings many of these skills into this work as well. She is also certified in Emotional Freedom Technique and Spontaneous Transformation Technique. 

Let's journey the landscape of transformation, wholeness, alignment to your goals and joy together.